" US officials are ensuring that the slaughter will continue for as long as they and and their Israeli allies want."

This is why we must not allow these same US officials to continue in their individual offices. It's one vital and necessary step to shut down the Israeli genocide machine for good.

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Well-written, plainly spoken, path forward; testifying to the real and plausible Future for the Palestinian people to self-determine and to rebuild their finally recognized State, with the help of nations like China, which are compassionate to their long suffering plight.

Israel, meanwhile has only the determination to cause more suffering in its megalomaniac goal of a Greater Israel. Everyday that the world condemns its actions we draw nearer to realizing the end of its settler-colonizing occupation as its increasingly horrific tactics alienate itself further from reality.

Thanks for yr constant pressure to expose the US political system for its complicity in the barbarism. A complete arms embargo is the path forward; the People have the Will to Make It So.

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Sure arrest Netanyahu with war crimes and execute him

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