Maybe the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists are just a bunch of wide-eyed optimists? (Or accepting payment for their one-second only?)

I like the idea of the Peace Clock. I hope it catches folks' imaginations. We need realists setting policy to bring about the end of the nuclear era. Let's count up to peace!

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Peace is the only lasting solution for us, and we need to concentrate on making lasting peace. The false narratives in this nation have nothing to do with anything, but the military industrial complex, masking huge profits on death. What kind of world does that make us have? It’s a rotten world and everyone needs to wake up about it. Jesus said no killing! It would be good to bring in the 10 commandments into the schools. They wouldn’t follow the 10 commandments either. The GOP are EVIL. We need to know this right up front. They are stealing our futures away!!

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Agreed about the Doomsday Clock. 89 seconds is a cop-out, an insult really. The minute I saw that I concluded that it was now clearly a useless metric. Another example of cooptation. Sad.

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