Thank you for being there to send a strong message, Code Pink! We need to school our uneducated elected representatives who think threatening judges at the ICC is a good and moral thing. Maybe charging them with war crimes will teach then a thing or two.

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Sadly, I am afraid that most of these "representatives" -- and we know whom they actually "represent"! -- are ineducable.

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So glad to know it was code pink that angered so much the little man from south carolina by clapping his sentence

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One thing I respectfully don’t understand is why members of Congress and/or the administration think it’s such a huge punishment to announce that they will bar x, y, or z from entering the USA with a tourist or business visa. Just about every day I look at the world map because I want to leave the USA because it is morally reprehensible. But I just turned 69 and don’t have the energy. The recipients of these dire visa warnings are usually well known, highly educated and outstanding professionals who would most likely prefer to have dinner in London or Madrid or Singapore, or Abu Dhabi, or Cairo, etc. you know, interesting places!! I know that I would any day of the week!!!

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We returned to US after twenty years as expats, four years ago. I too would like to get out. But e are 70 and 80,the thought of moving back is beyond my energy but

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The ICC needs its own army huh?

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Sanders is correct, of course. However, the ICC does NOT operate the way the ReThuglicans (and many DemocRats) believe the court of law should operate. They feel the court system is and should be in place solely to give the rulers the "legitimacy" they cannot otherwise claim.

One need simply look at recent court cases. Trump's conviction incited all sorts of threats from ReThuglicans, who have had no complaints about the completely bizarre and almost criminal misconduct of Judge Aileen Cannon. Cannon is the Trump appointee who is now hearing the case against him, yet ReThuglicans see no conflict of interest here and are convinced she will be 100% objective.

If the ICC issues a ruling against some party we do NOT like (e.g., Iran, Venezuela; perhaps Putin), we shall applaud it, yet a completely legitimate decision vis-a-vis Gaza has Americans on both sides of the aisle prepared to "go nuclear." These reactions articulate the USA's respect for the rule of law: end of discussion.

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Love you Medea! You are a shining example in a dark and vile world.

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